It is disheartening to pull onto your driveway and find weeds growing through the cracks and heaps of rubbish building between the crevices. Let’s face it; this scenario is dismal. Weeds are hardy enough to endure and germinate even in the harshest of winters because of their tenacious nature. Paving in Elizabeth, NJ
Throughout the winter months, snow and ice will continually freeze and thaw on the asphalt surfaces of your property. The freeze-thaw cycle can cause water to pool and infiltrate into your asphalt surface if your asphalt has uneven parts or if it isn’t graded appropriately. This can happen if your asphalt has uneven areas. Because of the way that water behaves when it freezes, your asphalt will break as a result. Your asphalt concrete surface may develop enormous cracks and holes as a result of repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, which can allow weeds to grow and contribute to the deterioration of the foundation.
The beginning of spring is the ideal time to inspect your asphalt driveway for any damage that may have been caused by the severe temperatures and wetness experienced over the course of the winter. Check your driveway after it has rained to see if there are any locations where water pools on its surface, as well as for any cracks, weed invasion along the margins, or potholes that may have developed, and check for any areas that may have developed.
Driveways Paved With Asphalt
In addition to giving your vehicles a surface that is both smooth and long-lasting, an asphalt driveway that has been properly maintained may add curb appeal to your property. However, asphalt does require routine maintenance in order to maintain its integrity, and if you do not repair even the smallest cracks in your driveway, it will soon become an eyesore that is falling apart.
Repair any cracks, fill in any low spots, and fill in any potholes that you locate on your driveway. Also, fill in any low regions. The weeds around the edge of the driveway should be pulled, and then the edges should be cleaned up using a hoe or an edging tool. If you have a problem with weeds growing into your driveway, you might want to place an edging along the edge of it. One option is to use rubber mulch on top of a weed-proof mat. Between applications of sealant, you should keep your driveway clean and clear of potentially hazardous growths like moss and lichen. Applying sealant to your driveway once every one to three years is recommended.
Driveways Made of Concrete
When it comes to constructing a driveway or sidewalk entranceway, one of the materials that looks the finest and requires the least amount of maintenance is concrete. It is imperative that any issues be remedied before they may progress to the point where they cause substantial damage and force you to replace your driveway and/or pavement earlier than they should have been replaced.
Rainwater can infiltrate underneath your driveway, which can cause the earth beneath it to shift, which in turn can lead to cracking and crumbling. If you reside in an area where there are periods of freezing and thawing, the possibility of experiencing damage is increased even further. Additionally, water can pool in any low spots on the surface of your driveway, which can lead to cracking.
Conduct a thorough inspection of your driveway to check for any signs of damage, such as cracks, holes, or crumbling concrete. Check the expansion joints’ interiors for any signs of cracking, as this is an area that is prone to damage. Perform a second inspection of your driveway immediately after it has rained heavily and search for any locations that may have collected water.
You should caulk and fix any cracks that you discover in your driveway, as well as any expansion joints that have been damaged. Put a “new face” on damaged concrete by using a concrete re-surfacer to even out any low places or to level off any uneven areas. Raise any parts of the driveway that have begun to fall below the level of the remainder of the pavement. You should reseal your concrete every three to five years, and in the meantime, you should make sure that your pavements are clean and free of any growths that could be harmful, such as moss or lichen.
Elizabeth Paving located in Elizabeth, New Jersey, is the sole distributor of SEALMASTER products in Bergen County. They also carry a wide variety of asphalt and concrete maintenance and repair supplies.
Confused about what it is that you require? Please give us a call at the following number: 908-458-9401 to speak with one of our knowledgeable product salesmen. They are more than delighted to be of assistance to you.